1. When are your service times? Sunday Morning 10:30am - 11:30am & Wednesday Bible Study 6:00pm - 7:00pm
2. What should I expect at the Sunday morning service? Every Sunday, we gather for fellowship, music, Scripture, and a message from the Bible, The morning service typically lasts around 60 minutes.
3. What should I expect at Wednesday Bible study? Every Wednesday we gather for open prayer requests, group interaction and to spend time in Scripture from the Bible. Typically lasts around 60 minutes.
4. What is there for my children? We have a kids space located on the same floor as the sanctuary, also our bathroom is on the same floor. Child care for 2nd grade and under provided on Sunday morning by individuals who have undergone background checks.
5. I love it here! How do I get connected? We recommend that you take the next steps to get involved by joining a Sunday service, before the morning service and fellowship with us, and stop by the Information table in the main Sanctuary area to learn more about us and leave us with your contact info.
6. What if I need prayer? Every Sunday morning Prayer partners are available before and after the service at the front of the sanctuary; and of course you can request prayer during our Wednesday prayer gathering. We also have our live Facebook stream, feel free to leave your request in the comment section or reach out to us anytime with your request at lifechurchetown@gmail.com
7. What should I do during the offering? The offering is intended for our members and regular attenders. As our guest, you are under no obligation to give to the church. However, we would love to have you fill out one of the Connection Cards located on our back info table; simply place the completed card in the offering basket.
8. How do I get baptized? Baptism is God’s will for every believer, and we rejoice whenever someone chooses to take that step of obedience here at Life Church Elizabethtown. We schedule baptisms as needed. So Please reach out to us anytime or speak with the leadership team when you visit Life church, In order to be baptized at Life Church, one must be a regular attendee (membership is not required) and be able to demonstrate both a relationship with Christ and an understanding of the baptism.
9. What should I wear? We come to church to worship God, so modest dress is appropriate. However, all styles are welcome, and you’ll see people wearing anything from shorts to suits.
10. Where do I park? Free parking is located at the front of the building along Water Street, As well as along the side of the building.